You matter too.
And it’s time
to start living like it!
Find and strengthen the part of you that has the unshakeable confidence, profound clarity and deep inner calm to live your most aligned and inspired life using The F.I.T. LIFE Method.
At The F.I.T. LIFE Method Academy, we believe everyone possesses an inner compass that knows exactly what they need to live their best life and gives them clues everyday about their next best steps.
The problem is, that most people are disconnected from their inner compass and are allowing what’s outside of them to decide their life for them, fueling self-doubt, lack of control, and disconnection from their purpose. This loss of connection is keeping a lid on their potential, straining their relationships, and preventing optimal health and well-being.
There is so much more to life than constant hustling, proving, chasing, and striving to meet external expectations and demands.
Our unique holistic approach shows you the exact steps to break free from the pressure, and live Fully In Tune (F.I.T) as the best version of yourself.
You have been gifted with this life to live it on purpose, what you do with it matters. You can unlock unlimited potential, optimal well-being, and deeper more connected relationships. We have the step-by-step blueprint for you to become your most F.I.T. Self so you can live your most F.I.T. Life.



Inspired Confidence

Unwavering Support

Professional Guidance

Resonant Purpose
I felt angry and upset most of the time, people walked on eggshells around me, and I couldn’t establish new friendships, or even maintain old ones. I often felt blamed, being told everything was my fault, which kept me feeling low and trapped. Despite having a very successful career, I had no sense of self or self-confidence. I kept seeing examples of others whom I aspired to be like, and I wondered how ‘that’ was possible.
As a result of being in the F.I.T. LIFE program, I know now that my head is what kept me trapped. I kept myself masked to control how others saw me so I could stay “safe” and appear good enough in other people’s eyes. But because I couldn’t recognize myself, no one else could either. I have now met so many amazing women. Seeing myself clearly has allowed me to be seen by others which has enabled me to be connected with high-vibe, like-minded people.
Although I was afraid to join the community initially, this has now become my go-to. I now know what true peace, joy, and contentment is for the first time in my life! I thought I knew what it was, but it turns out I just got pretty good at being ok with feeling “good enough” and guessed “This must be it”. Instead of fleeting moments, a day or a week here and there of feeling good enough, I’m now tallying up the months of truly feeling good!”
Realizing that I had a choice and that I could be successful AND no longer strive, suffer and sacrifice made me desperate for a new approach. This was the turning point for me. I have now achieved more than I ever imagined in my business and in life by practicing the concepts and tools in this program. I feel more aware and confident through this process that really works. I trust myself more and often ask myself what it is that I want, instead of what’s expected of me. I also don’t take things so personally anymore, I’ve become open to ‘receiving‘ in my personal relationships, and I am a much better communicator too. I live larger and take bigger risks knowing that I will be ok with whatever the outcome. As a result of being in this program, I’ve experienced significant life and business improvements!”
This was hurting me emotionally and physically. I was not sleeping. I suffered from headaches. I poured myself into work to avoid home. I was not my best at being a mom, a business owner, a sister etc. I was struggling with self-worth, I was in a situation that I felt trapped in and I feared judgment for doing what was right for me.
I was desperate for change, truth, and growth. It’s been such a relief to release past feelings and past ideals. The ability to release my past has been so impactful and I am healing in ways I never thought possible! I am now living in truth which is totally amazing and I’m so thankful for the future ahead.
I feel so much “lighter” and physically healthier. I have more joy in my life which is resulting in better relationships at work and personally. This program has completely changed my life for the better.”
After a lifetime of victim mentality and a dark cloud above me filled with feelings of unworthiness, shame, blame, guilt, anger, bitterness and heartache, I wanted to change. I had to commit to the ongoing practice of being honest and compassionate with myself and truly taking care of myself on all required levels – physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.
I tried different options of support in the past with counselors and psychologists that were very expensive and that didn’t work for me. I also tried on my own with books, classes and workshops, to no avail. I thought I knew what I needed help with only to find out that I didn’t always know what I needed or know what the root causes really were.
I learned to challenge my beliefs and overcome my destructive patterns and habits. Because of this work, my perspective has shifted to one of hope, faith, love, compassion, and even joy. I’ve gained so much insight, love, support, and treasured friendships from the community of fabulous people in The F.I.T. LIFE Program.”
I tried to control everything and be prepared to avoid all worst case scenarios. I didn’t sleep and worried about everything all of the time.
Looking back, I was angry a lot, although I didn’t know it. I had no boundaries with others and would let people walk all over me so I wouldn’t have to be alone. I didn’t care enough about myself. I put everyone in my life first. I felt like I was drowning all of the time. I felt very alone.
A lot of what we learn about is coming back to our authentic selves and removing ‘armour’ gained from old coping patterns. Because I’ve learned to see myself more clearly and found my authentic self, I have self-worth, I have learned to listen to my intuition and trust it, I have developed deeper and healthier relationships and no longer feel alone. I have healed a lot of obstacles in my life. The quality of my life and my level of joy is richer and deeper than I’ve ever known.
I was just going through life as a mom, and a business owner and didn't realize that there is this whole approach to life and way of being in the world that is so much better than what I had come to know. As a result of being in The F.I.T. LIFE Program, I'm so much closer to my teenage kid and even family members that I've always felt very disconnected from!
Unlock your freedom once and for all!
The 5 Step Blueprint to break free from the hustle and live with purpose and ease.

“Connection is at the core of relief and a purpose filled life.
Living connected is the practice of being Fully In Tune with your inner compass and allowing this part of you to be in the lead of your life. Living Connected is how you create a life you truly love living.”
Andrea Ferguson,