BREAK FREE from the self-sacrifice hustle without being consumed with guilt and self doubt, so you can improve your relationships and live your most aligned and inspired life with our proven STEP-BY-STEP blueprint.

When you are at a crossroads, and know that something has to give but it can’t keep being you, there are 3 essential pillars to reclaiming yourself and your life. Keep reading to learn more and to find out what our rockstar members are raving about.

I have achieved more than I ever imagined in my business & in life by practicing the concepts and tools in this program.

I feel more aware and confident through this process that really works. I trust myself more and often ask myself what it is that I want instead of what’s expected of me. I also don’t take things so personally anymore, I’ve become open to ‘receiving‘ in my personal relationships, and I am a much better communicator too. I live larger and take bigger risks knowing that I will be ok with whatever the outcome. As a result of being in this program, I’ve experienced significant life improvements!”


I now know what true peace, joy, and contentment is for the first time in my life!

I thought I knew what it was, but it turns out I just got pretty good at being ok with feeling “good enough” and guessed “This must be it”. Instead of fleeting moments, a day or a week here and there of feeling good enough, I’m now tallying up the months of truly feeling good!”


I feel so much “lighter” and physically healthier.

I have more joy in my life which is resulting in better relationships at work and personally. This program has completely changed my life for the better.” 


Deep down you know that there must be more to life than this, & there must be a better way.

And you’re right!

You are a highly empathetic person who cares deeply about others and often puts your needs and desires last. Because you are a determined hard worker you’ve always been able to keep it together for everyone, and keep all the balls in the air.

However, this approach to life is simply no longer working for you and your wellbeing is suffering as a result. You know that things need to change but you feel lost, stuck and overwhelmed when it comes to knowing what to do differently.

I mean this is all you’ve ever known!

Plus you’ve likely tried many of the typical approaches to improve your situation like eating better, supplementation, exercising more, meditation, yoga, time management and organization hacks.

You may have even tried some counseling or coaching, reading personal growth books or listening to podcasts, but nothing really seems to make the kind of difference you are seeking.

You are not someone who is satisfied with just “good enough”. You are determined to fulfill your potential and make the most of your life.

You want to feel proud of yourself and live a life without regrets.

But if you’re honest, despite all your efforts you often feel guilty that you are struggling to be the best version of yourself and it’s negatively impacting those that depend on you.

You are realizing that habit hacks and the same old approaches you keep trying just aren’t cutting it and aren’t getting you the results you deeply desire.

You are also not getting any younger, time is ticking and you aren’t interested in gimmicky, quick fix fads that waste your precious time and energy.

It’s time for a sustainable solution that gets you the real relief you need and gives you a step by step blueprint to follow so you can become the person you’ve always strived to be and live the life you’ve always envisioned.

Here's THe Deal...

Real sustainable solutions aren't focused on getting better control of your outer conditions, they focus on strengthening your inner conditioning so you become unshakeable.

They also: 

Resolve what’s blocking you once and for all, so you never have to start at square one again (or wonder “Will I ever feel like myself again?”) 

Provide all components required to succeed so you can take the guesswork out of it. 

Guide you to confidently trust in yourself so you know with certainty what is right for you and empower you to honour it.

Here's What you Need:
If this speaks to you, then
The Fit Life Program
is an ideal match for you.

The F.I.T. LIFE Program is designed for individuals who need a brand new blueprint for life (and business) that feels soul-nourishing instead of soul-depleting. 

When you enroll in The F.I.T. LIFE Program you will discover the life-changing value of a full immersion experience that empowers you to have unshakeable confidence, clarity, and inner calm way faster than otherwise possible. We call this inner F.I.T.ness.

When you join our program you’ll:

Finally resolve the root issues that are holding you back by eliminating the guesswork, pinpointing the real obstacles and applying our proven method to overcome the blocks and fast track your results.

Become a valued member of our soulful, growth oriented community to get the empowering, and uplifting support required to become the best version of yourself. Afterall, you become the match for who you surround yourself with.

Come away with the skills and uplevelled inner conditioning to stop the self sacrifice hustle, be the best version of yourself, improve all your relationships and actually live your most aligned and inspired life.

Finally resolve the root issues that are holding you back by eliminating the guesswork, pinpointing the real obstacles and applying our proven method to overcome the blocks and fast track your results.

Become a valued member of our soulful, growth oriented community to get the empowering, and uplifting support required to become the best version of yourself. Afterall, you become the match for who you surround yourself with.

Come away with the skills and uplevelled inner conditioning to stop the self sacrifice hustle, be the best version of yourself, improve all your relationships and actually live your most aligned and inspired life.

Here's What's Possible when you enroll:

I don’t even know where to begin or how to describe how immensely helpful the small group sessions have been for me.

Not only the tools and insight provided to navigate through some really tough times, but also the support of women I now consider to be ‘soul sisters’. The safety to share ANYTHING and to be met with acceptance. To have people to celebrate the wins and share in tears. It’s been life altering for me in the absolute best way possible. My heart has grown, my knowledge has expanded and I proudly have a much bigger ‘family’ now that I am so very blessed to have met.”


I recently experienced some major family drama and I am acting like a completely different person than I would have in the past.

THANK YOU for all the lessons, tools and language you’ve taught me. My husband is even surprised and says that the difference in me is worth every penny I’ve invested. I am not used to living life without feeling stressed, so this feels weird yet so wonderful.”


if you want results like this…
you can get started here!
Here's how The F.I.T. Life Program Works:

Over the course of the 12-month program, you will get access to these 3 essential pillars required to achieve this level of success:

Holistic understanding of yourself and others

Get the comprehensive training to uplevel yourself and your life through the 6 F.I.T. LIFE Essential courses. You will heal the connection to yourself, elevate your mindset and emotional IQ, retune your nervous system, align your energy + your life, and learn to trust and follow your intuition. Our Coursework is the essential foundation of our program.

Holistic practice to uplevel your inner F.I.T.ness

Participate in our drop-in-style classes to turn your learning into reality, because knowing better simply isn’t enough. These inner F.I.T. ness classes offer guided practices designed to boost your level of connection, joy, gratitude, and abundance. They also facilitate inner child healing, spiritual connection, somatic healing, emotional processing, energy balancing, and intuition development, so you can actually DO better.

Comprehensive support network to stay accountable

Receive regular access to live Coaching support in all group and 1:1 sessions and through our private member’s community off of social media. Without access to real-time professional guidance through the up-leveling process, it’s common to plateau and stop progressing. Our comprehensive support network keeps you on track and accountable to ensure you keep moving forward.

This is exactly what I’ve been looking for!
I can’t wait to live my most aligned and inspired life!
The F.I.T. Life Program


Our unique program guides you comprehensively from A to Z. We not only provide the blueprint, resources, and support but also offer real-time integration guidance to accelerate your results.

Unlike typical programs done solo or via recordings, we understand the limitations and lack of impact when going it alone. We’ve optimized our program so you can achieve your goals without barriers.

With a collaborative team of certified mentors and coaches, all trained in The F.I.T. LIFE Method and bringing additional diverse expertise, you’ll benefit from a well-rounded support system within a single program.

All sessions are live and virtual, fostering authentic connection and a sense of community where you’re valued and heard—a crucial aspect of the program.

This matters.

While DIY courses and recordings are available everywhere, our real-time approach fosters immediate application, making a genuine difference in your life. 

In a world marked by heightened disconnection, loneliness and stress, our program is the space you come to know that you truly matter and to get the level of support you truly need.

In addition to the program & support,
you will also get

Access to our private membership site and custom app that includes:

  • All workbooks and resources required to complete the program with ease
  • A private members community to connect with our coaching team and fellow members to stay connected and accountable
  • Easy calendar access to manage your sessions and to stay organized and on track

Membership Options


Design Your Own Program

Drop-in-style classes for up to 25 members to participate in live guided practices

Unlimited Class Pass

$79/mo (3 months)

$69/mo (6 months)

Drop In Pass:
$20/ class

8-week courses delivered live in weekly 90 min sessions

Pick and choose the individual courses you prefer 

WIth Group Sizes 8+

can be used for holistic coaching, intuitive readings and/or energy healing sessions with any of our Coaches

Private Community

Basic Membership

12 Month Program

Drop-in-style classes for up to 25 members to participate in live guided practices

Includes Unlimited Class Pass

8-week courses delivered live in weekly 90 min sessions

Includes all six F.I.T. LIFE Essential Courses in small  group coaching format 

For up to 6 members

can be used for holistic coaching, intuitive readings and/or energy healing sessions with any of our Coaches

Not Included

Private Community

Investment Options

or $4425



Drop-in-style classes for up to 25 members to participate in live guided practices

Includes Unlimited Class Pass

8-week courses delivered live in weekly 90 min sessions

Includes all six F.I.T. LIFE Essential Courses in small  group coaching format 

For up to 6 members

can be used for holistic coaching, intuitive readings and/or energy healing sessions with any of our Coaches

Includes 9 hour package

Private Community

Investment Options

or $5625


Design Your Own Program

Basic Membership

12 Month Program

Premium Membership

12 Month Program

Drop-in-style classes for up to 25 members to participate in live guided practices

Unlimited Class Pass:

$79/mo (3 months)

$69/mo (6 months)

Drop-In Pass:
$20/ class

Includes Unlimited Class Pass
Includes Unlimited Class Pass

8-week courses delivered live in weekly 90 min sessions


Pick and choose the individual courses you prefer 

WIth Group Sizes 8+

Includes all six F.I.T. LIFE Essential Courses in small group coaching format 

For up to 6 members

Includes all six F.I.T. LIFE Essential Courses in small group coaching format 

For up to 6 members

       can be used for holistic coaching, intuitive readings, energy healing  and/or breathwork sessions with any of our Mentors + Coaches

Private Community

Investment Options

or $4425
or $5625
This sounds amazing
I'm ready to stop paddling upstream,
and to have more freedom and ease!
*Our premium program is ideal for you if you are an action taker and love fast tracking your results!


Book a complimentary Right Fit call

I tried different options of support in the past with counselors and psychologists that were very expensive and that didn’t work for me.

I also tried on my own with books, classes and workshops, to no avail. I thought I knew what I needed help with only to find out that I didn’t always know or truly understand the root issue. I was tired of the life I was living. I wanted to change and I had to commit to the ongoing practice of being honest and compassionate with myself and truly taking care of myself on all required levels – physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. I credit my work in Andrea’s programs for saving me from a lifetime of victim mentality and for clearing the dark cloud above me. Her programs have had such a deep impact on so many people’s lives and brought so many people together to create the most beautiful community. I’ve gained so much insight, love, support and treasured friendships from The F.I.T.LIFE Method community.”


Because I’ve learned to see myself more clearly and found my authentic self, I have self-worth, I have learned to listen to my intuition and trust it,

 I have developed deeper and healthier relationships and no longer feel alone. I have healed a lot of obstacles in my life and the quality of my life and my level of joy is richer and deeper than I’ve ever known.” 


This is for you if you find yourself saying:

“I wish I had more connection in my life with more heart-centered, growth-minded souls” 

“I feel like everything I try never really makes a difference. I feel like I am missing something and I don’t know what it is.”

“I’m sick and tired of feeling this way, and just wish someone would tell me what to do so I can fix it. I know they can’t do it for me, but a little (or a lot of) help sure would be nice!”

“I’ve been this way for a very long time so I’m realistic and don’t expect a quick fix, but I’m also very motivated to get to work and get on with my life, because I’m not getting any younger and I feel guilty that the people that matter most to be are not getting the best of me.”

“Clearly what I’m doing isn’t working, so I am open and willing to do things differently and I really don’t have the time or capacity to figure it all out myself.”

“I’m tired of my relationships feeling so hard, I understand that I can’t fix, control or change others, so I’m ready to do what I can to improve them.” 

“I really want to make a difference in the world and do work that matters. I care deeply about others and love making people feel good. I’m missing this in my life right now and want to find a way to do this in a way that is meaningful to me.”

“It stresses me out that I don’t feel like I’m living my purpose and I really want to find it.”

By the End Of Our Time Together, You’ll be saying…

“I no longer feel desperate for change and like I’m drowning from undue pressure and expectation. I am finally free from the load of responsibility I was carrying.”

“I can communicate my boundaries, needs, and ideas clearly and effectively, in a way that increases connection and minimizes conflict.”

“My relationships with the people that matter most to me are closer than ever and I feel so much more competent and capable of acting in ways that I am really proud of.”

“I no longer feel alone. I belong to a close, connected community of heart-centered souls I can depend on, who want the best for me and who truly have my back.”

“I actually trust myself and can make decisions that are best for me without feeling overwhelming guilt or like I’m doing something wrong.”

“Learning not to take life so personally has transformed my relationships both personally and professionally and helped me feel so much more confident, competent and connected.”

“I’m no longer stuck in the burnout cycle! I actually have life balance and feel contentment, joy and purpose again!”

“I finally feel in control. I have the skills and tools to handle my emotions effectively without feeling like I’m going to spin out of control. This is freedom!”

“Life’s challenges no longer feel so hard and overwhelming, I feel equipped to handle whatever comes my way with so much more confidence and ease.”

“I no longer tolerate breadcrumbs in my relationships and am now comfortable receiving the level of love, respect, and connection I’ve always wanted.”

“I’ve found the courage to release what was no longer working for me and I feel so much lighter, more energized and clear as a result. My body has also become a reflection of this!”

“I’m no longer last on the priority list, I’m an equal priority with those that matter most to me, because I actually believe that I matter now too.”

“People are asking me what I’m doing, because they’ve noticed a big change in me and they are curious to learn more!”


We get it. But if you are actually looking to achieve real, sustainable change it takes consistency and time. The good news is that we’ve been doing this work for over a decade and know what it takes to succeed. Our program is designed to remove the common barriers and speed up results so you can create the change you seek faster than otherwise possible. This still takes consistent effort over time, but we will be here to support you every step of the way and we’re certain that your time with us will become treasured and a true highlight of your week!

It’s fair to feel like your lack of time will continue to be an issue for you, as it’s likely all you’ve known. As you work the program you will discover more time and likely be able to create space to prioritize what you need. Our program also includes plenty of recorded practices too, so you will be able to get all you need, one way or another.

There are 3 essential elements to create real, sustainable change: holistic knowledge, holistic practice and holistic support. Likely at least one of these aspects was missing from anything you tried previously.

Our group coursework is the foundation of our program and has been developed and designed using proper educational principles. Uplevelling your knowledge and self awareness is essential but alone isn’t enough.

You also need to be able to shift your inner conditioning so you can actually apply what you know in real time. This is the practice portion and you need holistic practices, not just mediation, affirmations, journaling, yoga and exercise. Most programs do not include this and it’s often the part that many people miss because they forget to do it or they don’t really know what to do.

You also need to do this work within an aligned community. Working on your own will only get you so far, group work is essential (and some resist this thinking they just prefer a more personalized approach. We promise you, you do need more than that).

You also need 1:1 work, again, you will only get so far if you attempt everything on your own or only ever do group learning work. Deeper healing and personalized guidance is required.

Yes, this sounds like a lot! We get it. THIS is why what you’ve tried in the past hasn’t really worked. The good news, we have a blueprint for you to follow so you can just show up and we walk you step by step through it all.

We understand. If you have never done anything virtually, only done recorded trainings, or been in impersonal virtual audiences, you may have come to believe that in-person is better. There are some advantages and disadvantages to both.

We only offer this program virtually because our members come to us from across North America. We do also recognize the importance and value of real live connection which is why ALL of our sessions have registration limits and are led live, in real-time. This allows you to easily access our programs from anywhere and get the real-time connection and support that is also required. It’s a win-win. While it can take a bit of getting used to at first, eventually you will likely love the convenience and appreciate the meaningful connections you are making from all over North America!

YES! Intuition and energy work do not require physical presence as they are not hands-on modalities. While having in-person sessions can be appealing, it’s not required. Our Coaches with this expertise are highly in tune and skilled at working virtually. 

We understand that you may have been burned in the past or not gotten the results you hoped for, so you are nervous about wasting time and money or trying again. We get it! We’ve often heard this and it’s why our program is designed the way it is.

Recall the 3 essential elements to sustainable change mentioned above? When any one of these elements are missing, it’s easy to fall through the cracks or miss essential pieces to the guaranteed success equation. Our program has multiple layers and channels of support embedded into it, and we keep our session size small on purpose.

We are also a trauma-informed program, so we know that there is nothing wrong with you, but your history may be influencing how you are showing up. We are experienced in working with this and are here to help you become empowered to move through this once and for all.

There are no refunds in our program because we know the value of commitment and are committed to helping you find a way to make it work this time. This being said, you will need to be willing to receive our guidance, try new things and to lean into the support that is offered. If you are not open to doing that, our program may not be the best fit for you.

If you are brand new to The F.I.T. LIFE Method or took programs prior to 2021, we highly recommend the Basic or Premium Membership option as it’s a brand new program with significant upgrades from any previous programs.

If you are an action taker who likes to fast-track your progress, then choose the Premium Membership option to ensure you have everything you need right from the start so nothing holds you back.

If you prefer to take your time and add 1:1 services when you feel ready then the Basic Membership option is a great option for you.

If you’ve completed our programs since 2021 and want continued connection, growth and support choose any of our a la carte options to keep progressing.

If you are not ready to fully commit to a program, but all this really resonates and you prefer to just pick and choose what speaks to you, then select any a la carte options. You can choose to join our Basic or Premium Membership if and when you are ready.

Let's do this
I still have questions, I’d like to book a time to chat
Book a complimentary Right Fit call

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