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FREEDOM | 8 Week Course


Location: Virtual
Day + Time: TBA, Tuesdays 6:30 pm
Investment Options: $397 or 2 payments of $225
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The Essential Spiritual Practices
for Overcoming Obstacles + Eliminating Suffering

Unlocking the door to deep inner peace + lasting happiness

Do you ever feel like you are at the mercy of everything outside of you?

Like there is always something calling for your attention or getting in the way of you being able to do and have what you want.

Do you often find that just as you get on track, there is always something that derails you?


You finally commit to making yourself a priority in your life and then something happens that forces you to de prioritize yourself AGAIN?


Perhaps you feel like you are being punished in some way or that you have to suffer enough or prove you’ve worked hard enough before you can have what you truly desire?

Do you often wish that if everyone and everything could just get on the same page as you, then life would be good and you could actually have peace and be happy?

If you can relate on any level, then please know that you are not alone or forever doomed!

While you might not have experienced it yet, deep inner peace and lasting happiness are meant for you. Truly.

It’s just that the path to peace and happiness might not look like you think it should or what you’ve been taught.

If you are like most, perhaps you’ve been taught that the key to happiness is being in a loving relationship, having a dream job (or business) that doesn’t feel like work, having a healthy and fit body, having kids that behave and don’t struggle, owning your dream home, driving your dream car, having lots of money, be able to go on vacations, having good friends and a loving family that supports you, being able to retire at 55, not having problems…

Get the idea?

Well, I’m here to burst the bubble!

The key to peace and happiness is knowing how to effectively handle what gets in the way of your peace and happiness.

Without the supportive perspectives and tools to handle the obstacles, your peace and happiness will forever elude you.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, obstacles and pain are part of the game.
Learning how to handle them effectively is what eliminates your suffering and allows deep inner peace and lasting happiness.

Unfortunately, most of us have learned to avoid, numb, control and look outside of ourselves as a means to deal with our obstacles. This only perpetuates our suffering and creates more problems in our lives.

The good news, there are some simple and effective perspectives, practices and tools you can learn, at any age, that will empower you to overcome what gets in your way, so you can finally find the peace and happiness that’s meant for you!

If this speaks to you and you are ready for a whole new approach to handling what gets in the way of your peace and happiness, then I invite you to join me for FREEDOM. An 8 week course where you will learn:

  • How to navigate life’s challenges with grace and ease
  • How to handle obstacles in a way that empowers you AND others
  • What your obstacles are really about and the tools to effectively deal with them
  • The practices of non-resistance, non-attachment, surrender and radical acceptance
  • How to transform your challenging relationships
  • How to do a low vibe detox to stop attracting people and situations that cause pain and suffering
  • How to discover the true source of your peace and happiness and what it looks like for you
  • The key mindset shifts and universal principles that move you out of suffering and into peace and happiness

and so much more…

If you would love the space, guidance and opportunity to connect with others walking this path to true freedom, then here is what you can expect:

This value packed course offered by me, Andrea Ferguson, F.I.T. Mindset Mentor and Inner Conditioning Coach, will include:

  • 4 x 90 min Masterclasses with downloadable and printable workbook
  • 4 x 90 min Interactive Sessions to put the learning into practice and get all your questions answered
  • Recorded tutorials to break up the learning into bite size pieces
  • Private online client portal to access all printable and recorded content (enables you to join the course live or take the course on your own time at your own pace)
  • Private Facebook group to engage, ask questions and share with course members
  • All sessions are taught live, virtually, recorded and offered via zoom.

If this speaks to you and you would love the guidance, community and support to learn the essential spiritual perspectives that unlock the door to your peace and happiness then I would so love for you to join me!

Location: Virtual
Day + Time: TBA, Tuesdays 6:30 pm
Investment Options: $397 or 2 payments of $225
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