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1:1 Services

Unlock your full potential with our 1:1 services, where personalized guidance, intuitive insights, and transformative energy healing converge to create your unique pathway to success and self‑fulfillment.

Why choose 1:1 services?

There is only so much you can do on your own, especially when you are in the thick of your challenges feeling uncertain, overwhelmed or confused. 

Having your own personal ally who really knows you and the vision you have for your life, who can be a sounding board, accountability partner, and champion of you becoming the best version of yourself (and compassionately accepting you when you are not) is invaluable.

Being truly seen, heard and accepted by someone who is wise, compassionate and supportive is an essential part of the success equation. 

1:1 is required if you want:

To receive highly individualized guidance on how to apply the tools and practices you are learning in your coursework to your unique circumstances.

To do the deeper healing work that can’t be done on your own or within a group setting

To receive personalized intuitive guidance that offers you clarity and direction, while also supporting you in expanding and trusting your own intuition.

For deeper and more personalized energy healing work.

Holistic 1:1 support is your catalyst for profound transformation, offering tailored guidance and deep insights to navigate life’s complexities, leading you to enhanced personal growth, greater emotional well-being, and a clearer path towards achieving your most ambitious goals and aspirations.

1:1 Services Offered:

Coaching   |    Intuitive Readings    |    Energy Healing

Intuitive Readings
Energy Healing

What to expect with 1:1 Coaching:

Each session begins with a chat about what you want to explore and the outcome you most desire. Then we spend some time exploring what’s in the way. As your Coach listens, they sift through the presenting situation, to get beyond the surface distractions and help you identify the root blockage (something you can rarely spot on your own). Once they understand the root issue, they guide you through the healing and clearing of what’s blocking you to connect to your truth. From here, they help you map out the exact steps and actions to take, to achieve your desired outcome.

What to expect with 1:1 Intuitive Readings:

Each session begins with a chat about what you are needing guidance around. Then your Coach will use whatever method they feel called to, to share any insights they are receiving about your situation. They may use oracle cards or a pendulum as a tool to tap into their intuition and share the guidance that is coming through for you. You are welcome to ask questions and seek guidance on ways to move forward that are for your highest good. From here, they may help you map out any important steps and actions to take based on the guidance coming through. 

Remember, intuitive guidance is not meant to be a predictive guarantee, it’s meant to reveal the likely path given your current conditions. As your conditions change, so can your life path and outcomes. 

Our intuitive readings are intended to empower you and are focused on what’s for the highest good of all. We also support you in fine tuning and trusting your own intuition as this is ultimately the goal of all our Intuition Coaching.

What to expect with 1:1 Energy Healing:

Each session begins with a chat about what you are needing support with. Then your Energy Coach will use whatever energy healing method they feel called to use, to support you in healing and clearing any energy blockages. They may use Reiki, Emotion Code, or other complementary healing modalities to address your personal needs. You are welcome to ask questions as needed. From here, they may help you map out any important steps and actions to take based on what comes up in the session. 

Our energy healing sessions are intended to empower you and complement your own energy maintenance practices.

How to book your 1:1 services

Invest in a single session or one of our hourly packages.

When you invest in a package it gives you access to all types of services and all Coaches without needing to decide up front with who or how you will use your sessions. You can simply pick and choose which types of sessions you need as you go, so you get a highly customized experience based on your unique needs.

Because our packages are hourly (not session based) you can book your sessions in increments, from 30 min -2 hours. You simply schedule your sessions in our Coaches booking calendar!

See 1:1 package + Membership options

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Our skillful coaches will help you strengthen and develop your inner resources and the connection to your inner guidance. They are deeply committed to helping you create and achieve your vision for your life.


Our Team is here to support you every step of the way. If at anypoint you are unsure how to best use your 1:1 hours, we can help direct you based on what you are needing or wanting at any given time. Just to clarify, if I want all of them, can I package them together?

YES! A single package of hours can be used:

  • With all Coaches who offer 1:1 services
  • For all types of 1:1 services
  • With the same Coach or a variety of Coaches (you decide, based on your needs)
  • Towards a blend of services (pick and choose as needed)

Our 1:1 packages are designed to give you holistic support, flexibility and are completely customizable.

Absolutely! All of our Coaches offer complimentary 30 min Right Fit calls so you can decide if you are the right match for each other.

Meet Our Team Here

Yes they do. You have 12 months from the day of investment to use your Coaching Package.

It depends on your goals, how fast you would like to progress and whether or not you are doing any additional courses or classes alongside your 1:1.

As a general rule of thumb, we recommend semi-monthly or monthly sessions (every 4-6 weeks if you are doing courses and/or classes).

However, if you are navigating big transitions, wanting to speed up your progress, or needing deeper healing work we recommend a consistent series of weekly or biweekly sessions. Often 4-6 hours is highly supportive and enough to create the necessary inner shifts before returning to more spaced out sessions.

Note: These are general recommendations only. We will offer you guidance and suggestions based on your unique needs and situation.

At this time, each member requires their own package.

Hook Me Up!
I love the flexibility and that I get all of this in one package.
Still have questions?
We understand that this is an important decision,
Simply Schedule a Complimentary “Right Fit” Call Now.