Get “THE QUESTION DECK” to start living your most aligned and inspired life now!


This is where you come to get “The Practice”.

We all know that becoming adept and skilled at anything requires consistent practice over time. There is no exception to strengthening your inner F.I.T.ness. But there is a unique benefit – with physical fitness you have to keep doing it to keep benefitting from it but with inner F.I.T. ness, once you integrate it, it becomes your new normal and consistent effort is no longer required! 

It does however, take effort and consistent practice for it to become your permanent new way of being which is why we offer our Classes.

All of our classes are designed so you can get the consistent holistic practice that is required to be super F.I.T. and live your most aligned and inspired life.

Each class, one of our Certified Coaches will lead you through a guided practice that is designed for you to do the inner balancing, healing, upleveling and integration work that is an essential part of the success equation.

Without The Practice, any coursework or 1:1 work will stall.

While you can do the practice work on your own, having professional real time guidance, accountability and an aligned community to connect with, takes the guesswork out of it, ensures you actually do it and speeds up the pace with which it becomes your new normal!

All of our classes are virtual, led live and not recorded for a reason.

We are human beings who need real authentic connection to thrive. This space is the place you come to get what you truly need, not just what’s most convenient. 

How Our Classes Work

We offer multiple classes each week that cover all essential holistic practices.

You can invest in an unlimited class pass or purchase a single drop in session to any of our classes (an unlimited class pass is included in both our yearlong memberships). Our drop-in sessions allow you to test drive a few different ones to make sure this is the right fit for you.

Book a single class, a series of classes or make any class a regular part of your schedule. We want to make attending easy, while suiting your needs.

You will receive notification of anything you need to bring to each class. While each session requires that you bring a notebook and pen, we have a few classes that have specific additional requirements like: Express Yourself class requires some basic art supplies as noted in the class description, Oracle cards are recommended for our intuition classes, and a yoga mat and/or blanket is helpful for our body based classes like Reveal + Heal. 

At the time of your class, simply sign in via zoom and a member from our Certified Coaching team will lead you step by step through a relevant guided practice.

You can choose to participate with your camera on or off. The Coach will offer opportunities for questions and connection with others, you can engage as much or as little as you like.

You can book your classes and manage your class schedule through our membership app.

Hook me up with a class pass!


Think of our classes like yoga or fitness classes. A regular consistent practice is key to creating sustainable change.

If you are looking to speed up results, quicken your healing or manifestation process then 1-3 times per week is ideal.

If you have very limited time, you likely need these sessions even more so, so starting with whatever you can fit in, is a great start!

If you are looking to supplement your own practice then 3-4 times per month could help you go deeper than you can on your own or offer you practices you might not know you are missing.

It’s easy to get into a routine with our own practice and get blindspots, classes can help you create a breakthrough by offering you what you might be missing.

Our coursework is where you learn the principles, tools and strategies to become F.I.T. and includes workbooks and live interactive discussions to grow your knowledge and self awareness. Classes are where you practice the tools and strategies.


In our coursework you will learn the steps to processing your emotions. In our classes, you will be guided through a practice to actually process your emotions.

In our coursework you will learn how to recognize your intuition. In our classes you will be guided through intuition practices to actually strengthen and trust it.

In our coursework you will learn the steps to manifesting your intentions. In our classes you will be guided through manifestation practices to actually turn your intentions into reality.

In our coursework you will learn the steps to inner child healing. In our classes you will be guided through practices to do the inner child healing.

In our coursework you will learn how to set boundaries, In our classes, you will be guided through practices to feel confident and empowered to communicate your boundaries.

We get it! Life happens. You can cancel a class up to 12 hours in advance through our class scheduler and then reschedule as needed.

With less than 12 hours notice on a drop in class, there is no refund.
With less than 12 hours notice on an unlimited class pass, there is a $15 cancellation fee.

We believe that a holistic approach is best, and participating in a variety of classes will help ensure you aren’t missing anything. It’s common to resist what you need most, so we encourage you to explore a variety of classes and try them more than once.

We are happy to recommend classes to start with based on your personal needs.

You can book a “Right Fit” call below, and we will help you map out a schedule and class plan that best suits you

Get Started Today!
I still have some questions, I’d like to book a time to chat
Book Your Complimentary “Right Fit” Call Now.


Are you struggling to manage your emotions effectively?

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, alone, or chaotic?

Why just aim for temporary relief when you can have lasting ease and contentment?

This 60-minute guided practice is designed to support you in moving through your emotions in a guided and productive way, so you can break free from emotional overload and expand your capacity to feel calm, productive, motivated, and connected in your everyday life. 

Using a holistic mind, body, and spirit approach our Coaches have a variety of tools and practices to draw upon and share in this live virtual guided practice. Simply show up, plug into our high-vibe space, and be led step by step, through one of our simple emotional freedom practices. You can follow along with your camera on or off. There will be space for questions and sharing for those who are interested.


Is your body calling your attention through tension, pain, or disease? 

Do you tend to live in your head and feel disconnected from your body? 

Given that we live in a culture that is fixated on controlling our outer appearance, it’s “normal” to feel completely disconnected from our bodies. This disconnection can cause you to feel self-doubt, alone, lost and confused about who you are and what you truly want. This 60 min guided practice is designed to support you in befriending your body on an inner level. You will move beyond the typical approaches to physical self-care and reconnect body, mind, and spirit, to experience the physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being you deeply desire. Simply show up, plug into our high-vibe space, and be led through some effective somatic and mindfulness practices to reconnect to your Self and allow your body to become your ally in your healing, growth, and expansion.


Are you ready to ditch living in lack and scarcity mode where you never seem to have enough time, energy, opportunities, love, or even money? 

Manifesting abundance of all kinds requires a consistent prosperity practice. Without this practice, it can be all too easy to fall into fearful thinking and cycles of limitation and lack, keeping you stuck, limited, and frustrated. The abundance you seek starts within you! 

Break the cycle and unlock new levels of abundance by being intentional about your prosperity practice. Inside you will be guided step by step through the exact tools and practices that our team and rockstar clients use to create more abundance and prosperity.


Are you ready to energetically release what is no longer a match for you? 

Do you need some energy healing and balancing? 

This 60-minute guided practice is designed to support you in releasing, shedding, and letting go of what no longer serves you, while also balancing and restoring your energy system. Simply show up, plug into our high-vibe space, and be led through one of our simple energy-releasing + renewing practices, that will support you in feeling more connected, energized, and balanced.



Is your body holding tension, and stress? 

Do you need more balance, ease, and vitality? 

Reconnect mind and body and restore your nervous system in this 60 min guided practice. You will be led by a Certified F.I.T. LIFE Method Mentor + Coach who is also an Acupuncturist, Ayurvedic practitioner + Yoga Teacher. Each session combines a guided meditation with gentle movements, including light stretching, self-massage, and breathwork to reveal and heal the stories in your body that are no longer serving you. 

Rooted in the principles of Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Yoga, this class offers a unique holistic approach to restoring the body, and mind connection by seamlessly blending mental, emotional, and physical healing into one simple practice. Join us to rediscover inner balance, vitality, and harmony, and to forge a deeper, more nourishing connection with your Self.



Do you feel stuck, lost, restless, disconnected, and unsure of how to create a breakthrough? 

Use this proven creative outlet to unlock yourself, get clear, and get reconnected. This 75-minute guided session combines mindfulness with artistic expression to help you gain the clarity and focus you need. *bring paper/canvas and whatever artistic mediums you like! Crayons, felts, paints, clay, pencils. Ensure you have a variety of colors (minimum of 4).

 (no experience necessary and  you do not need to be “artistic”, it’s about the process, not the result)



Join this fun and enlightening group intuitive reading to increase your sense of connection and faith in the unseen realm. 

Be open to receiving empowering intuitive wisdom from our Psychic Medium who uses her intuition to tap into higher guidance to share timely messages that will support your healing and growth. Limited space available.


Grow your ability to trust your inner voice and use your intuition practically in everyday life by strengthening your ability to know what is your intuition and what is not. 

In this 60-minute live interactive class, you will work with partners, in groups and individually to playfully explore, experience, and expand your intuitive capacity. You will be led by our Certified F.I.T. LIFE Method Mentor + Coach through fun and experiential exercises to practice receiving and sharing intuitive guidance using a variety of modalities. No experience is necessary.


Grow your ability to trust your inner guidance and use your intuition both personally and professionally. 

In this 60-minute live interactive class, you will work with partners, in groups and individually to playfully explore, experience, and expand your intuitive capacity. You will be led through fun and experiential exercises to practice receiving and sharing intuitive guidance. Be prepared to channel messages for yourself and others using a variety of modalities. *Basic understanding of how to work with your intuition and previous practice suggested.

F.I.T. Mindset

Do you tend to focus on the negative or feel highly critical of yourself and/or others?

Do you tend to focus on worst-case scenarios, problems, and what’s not working?

Did you know that your dominant thoughts create your reality?

Your mind is a powerful tool that can either work for you or against you. If you want to dramatically improve your life and how you feel then creating new mind habits is an essential practice. 

This 60-minute guided practice is designed to support you in upgrading your mindset so that you can break free from life-limiting habits and cycles to feel like the best version of yourself and live your best life.

Simply show up, plug into our high-vibe space, and be led through some proven mindset and mindfulness practices to get your mind working for you instead of against you.


Do you need a simple and effective practice to experience relief, clarity, and emotional freedom?

Are you feeling like you could use a nervous system reset?

Breathwork is a simple and powerful tool that can help you achieve all of this and so much more! 

In this 75-minute session, you will be guided by our Certified F.I.T. Breathwork Practitioner to clear your mind, reset your internal state, and connect to your inner guidance using a variety of breathwork and somatic techniques. Your Breathwork Practitioner will offer variations so you can choose the breathwork style that is the ideal fit for you.

Simply show up, plug into our high-vibe space, and be led through a F.I.T. Breathwork session to experience the transformative effects of connecting to your breath.